Friday 18 October 2013


I don't go on this blog :P

Oh wells, Here's a link to my imgur:

The drawings are fan art of my favorite YouTube channel, the Crew's Gaming Channel -

They are an awesome group of people who update their channel daily with gaming videos, their main focus being Minecraft. They often do live streams and have servers for their fans to go on. I am too obsessed with these guys <3

Look, they love me too :D

Tuesday 20 August 2013

MSP Music Video!

Music video ;D

My Immortal by Evanescence (Which I believe I spelt wrong in the video, shame on me) Is one of my all time favorite songs <3 So here's the MSP music video I made for it. BATHE IN THE GLORY, IT'S FANTABULAAAS! (Like me)

Thursday 15 August 2013


Evening :3

School started yesterday, it wasn't that bad actually. I'm going to push myself to focus on my schoolwork a bit more this year. I'm happy now, my best friends have come up to high school now, it's nice to be see them everyday again :)

Mr Caine was jumping very high hurdles yesterday, a chair and 3 bricks high :D He did that twice, then refused to do it again XD I taught him to 'Sit pretty' Which is really cute, you put your knee out and he put's his paws on your knees. It's a bit like begging, just with a little help :3

I've been listening to Disney songs for about 2 hours now. Lol.

I also started guitar lessons today, didn't even know I was starting them! Really excited for that. Teacher seems really nice, and there was no one else booked in so I got a one-to-one lesson ;D I bet I'll be amazing.

I love Disney. Especially the music. The Brave soundtrack oh my <3 

Friday tomorrow, yay for freedom.

Have a nice weekend lovelies :) x

Monday 12 August 2013


Helloo :)

I was training Caine again today. I taught him the command 'Touch' and he almost has the hang of that. I also changed the hurdle to 5 bricks high, and Caine can jump that fine. I think next time I'll try and get it to 6 or 7 bricks. Really happy with Cainey Boys progress with the clicker training :)

My nephew Riley is crawling and pulling himself up now too, which means we have to watch him alot more! I think he might start walking soon, in the next few months maybe.

I hate school ._.

And guess who hasn't done her homework for art?


Sunday 11 August 2013

Some Drawings :3

Just a few drawings I did a while back from Fun2Draw YouTube tutorials (Fun2Draw is a YouTube channel)

Hehe :3

Here's another drawing I did today, I call it: "Sarah Happy Cupcake Girl" Because it was inspired by a girl called Sarah (Who likes cupcakes) from a YouTube channel called "The Crew's Gaming Channel", The are amazing, check them out if you like Minecraft, they play other games too but Minecraft is their main focus.

It's pretty random, but cute :D It's a bit hard too see too because my pencils aren't that good :3

Riley! :D

Here's a picture of me and my adorable nephew Riley :D

I love him so much :3 look at his face XD Who can't love that face?!

Hurdle Jumping with Mr Caine :D

Me and Mr Cainey Boy! :D

This is me and my dog, Mr Caine. Caine is a Golden Labrador (Labradog) In case you were wondering. 

I'm trying to train him using the clicker training method, and here's a video of him jumping a small hurdle :D

Here's a good site for tricks to teach your dog, and is the site I am using:

Clickers can be bought online really cheap from sites like Amazon.

Chat Box of Rainbow Happiness