Thursday 15 August 2013


Evening :3

School started yesterday, it wasn't that bad actually. I'm going to push myself to focus on my schoolwork a bit more this year. I'm happy now, my best friends have come up to high school now, it's nice to be see them everyday again :)

Mr Caine was jumping very high hurdles yesterday, a chair and 3 bricks high :D He did that twice, then refused to do it again XD I taught him to 'Sit pretty' Which is really cute, you put your knee out and he put's his paws on your knees. It's a bit like begging, just with a little help :3

I've been listening to Disney songs for about 2 hours now. Lol.

I also started guitar lessons today, didn't even know I was starting them! Really excited for that. Teacher seems really nice, and there was no one else booked in so I got a one-to-one lesson ;D I bet I'll be amazing.

I love Disney. Especially the music. The Brave soundtrack oh my <3 

Friday tomorrow, yay for freedom.

Have a nice weekend lovelies :) x

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